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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

How to Increase Your Home Value before Selling?

Are you not sure whether or not you need to renovate your home? If you are looking to sell your house in the future, then renovation is a must. Since homebuyers are never going to settle for less, how do you increase your home'...

Buying a house is a big investment that requires serious deliberation before making your final decision. The project might take up all your savings if...

Remember to take your time before making an offer to ensure that you buy the house you require. Therefore, if you plan t...

Constructing a new house is very expensive. Therefore, you have to plan before you start your project to ensure that your construction does not stop h...

If you want to make informed decisions before and during your house construction process, there are several factors you ...

Renting a house is one of the most important activities in life. Therefore, when looking for rental space, you have to take your time to ensure that y...

Besides, you might have to re-start your search after realizing that you made a mistake during the rental process. There...

Ohio's Housing Demand Is High, But Supply Is Low

On June 5, the Northwest Ohio Board of Realtors gave an interview about the inventory of homes and how the market is performing. It also released some projections about its expectations for the summer. In northwest Ohio, like ...

California Seeks Solution for Housing Needs

The state of California is incredibly polarizing. People have strong opinions about where they stand on the state, it's typically one of two stances they take. They either admire the state (because most who take this stance live t...

Selling a house can be tedious and complicated, especially if you've never sold one before. Without the correct information, you might not know the st...

1. Inspect Your House and Make the Necessary Renovations Even with the proper maintenance, some of your house components...

Affordable Housing Is Difficult for Buyers and Renters to Obtain

Both prospective home buyers and renters across the United States are having a tough time finding affordable housing. In a report about the Ohio housing market issued by the National Low Income Housing Coalitio...

Empty Offices to Become Affordable Housing

New York City is one of the world's most populous and most popular cities. There isn't a whole lot of space available for anything, which is why people build up. They won't construct wide; they will instead construct tall. After th...