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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

After several dates with your spouse, it's easy to determine whether you can spend the rest of your life together. That is when you start discussing w...

However, buying a home with a partner can cause disagreements that might hurt your relationship in the future. Therefore...

More Public Calls for Free Housing

Police brutality is something that objectively exists in America. Many will chalk this up to systemic racism. Others, who have seen the data of how it breaks down per racial category, will claim it's just a problem with the police an...

A Third of Americans Have Outstanding Housing Payments

Many readers out there are likely more than a little fed up with the fact that most of the news cycle in 2020 has been centered entirely on the novel Coronavirus, which first appeared in China way back in January and ...

Students Receive Much-needed Help With Affordable Housing

Many people are at risk of losing their homes. The elderly, who live on fixed income, are a large at-risk group. However, many people forget that infants, toddlers and school-age children are also at a high risk of ho...

Why Building Homes Won't Actually Solve the Housing Crisis

As you may already be aware, the nation is currently in the middle of a housing crisis. Millions of Americans are finding it hard to get affordable housing, and the American dream of homeownership is out of grasp fo...

United States Housing Industry Makes a Huge Comeback

The American housing market has made a big comeback between June and the end of September, according to a report released on October 1. This has happened even though the economy as a whole is still struggling to make gains...

Oregon Helps Wildfire Victims With Emergency Housing Options

This year's wildfires in the western United States have been unprecedented. An area larger than the state of Delaware has already burned, and the fire season is not over yet. Thousands of families have been displac...

How the Biden Administration Will Work Through Affordable Housing Challenges

As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take the oath of office on January 20, 2021, he is facing a multitude of issues. The most obvious is the COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout. The economic rami...

Housing Shortage Is About to Get Worse

According to an analysis of the real estate market released by an industry watchdog on November 28, America's housing shortage is about to get worse. The combination of a solid stock market, good vaccine news and market-friendly cabinet...