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Housing Insights Central

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Evictions Caused by the COVID-19 Economic Crisis Could Make the Pandemic Worse

At the height of the closures instituted by local and state authorities, more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs. While some of those employers have since reopened and called back their wor...

COVID-19 Health Crisis Delivers Surprisingly Good News to Housing Industry

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has upended the entire economic landscape of the world. While it is not a shock that so many businesses have suffered great losses at the hands of the pandemic, it is cert...

Cincinnati Green Lights Affordable Housing

The City Council of Cincinnati recently gave the green light for a brand new project in one of the city's poorest areas. This affordable housing project, located in the Lower Price Hill, is actually pretty shocking news for residen...

Demand for Affordable Housing Is High in Las Vegas

The City of Lights may have plenty of bulbs, playing cards and poker chips, but one thing that is lacking in is a supply of housing for sale. The demand of affordable housing in Las Vegas is at an all time high, according to...

How COVID-19 and Political Unrest is Affecting Housing Market

One industry that has been relatively immune from the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 health crisis is the housing market. However, ongoing protests and increasing political tension is changing the way that ...

Housing Shortage Is About to Get Worse

According to an analysis of the real estate market released by an industry watchdog on November 28, America's housing shortage is about to get worse. The combination of a solid stock market, good vaccine news and market-friendly cabinet...

Why Putting Your House on the Market During the Holidays is a Good Idea

Many families are taking advantage of this hot housing market to put their house on the market. While the holidays are generally considered to be the slowest time of the year to list your home, there ar...

The USA Is in Another Housing Bubble

The last time single-family homes were built at the pace they are being built now, the housing bubble was about to burst. The number of single-family homes under construction grew for the third month in a row. These dwellings are driving ...

2021 Housing Market Looks Strong, But Builder Stocks are Sliding

The housing market looks like it will have a strong start in 2021. However, a report released on January 10 suggests that home builder stock values are likely to drop from their recent high levels. This report ...