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Housing Insights Central

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Now that Biden is the President, How Will This Affect the Housing Industry?

President Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20. While the majority of the focus of this new administration has rightfully been on how they will combat the ...

Joe Biden Arrived Just in Time to Fix America's Housing Crisis

America is currently in the throes of a massive housing crisis, but new president Joe Biden plans on answering the bell. The 46th President of The United States began his term with a to-do list that included...

What Do the Record Low Number of Home Listings Mean for You?

As we move into the new year, the housing market continues to heat up. With plenty of motivated buyers and a lack of interested sellers, most housing regions are facing an inventory problem. Whether you are a homeo...

In a Wall Street Journal report published on Sunday, February 21, the blue-collar job market is getting stronger. America's blue-collar workers have s...

About Blue-collar Jobs and How They Affect Housing These jobs don't require a lot of years of education. Trade or vocati...

The housing market was on fire in 2020 due to the pandemic, with an estimated 8.7 percent YoY growth rate. The housing market is hot, according to CNN...

Why Worry About Housing Market The economy of the United States is not at its best. The Federal Reserve and the Feder...

Finding a house to rent is challenging. You can take several months or years to find a rental space that fits your budget. Most houses in the city are...

With the cost of living going up every day, finding an affordable rental house will help you manage your budget. Therefo...

Owning rental property comes with numerous advantages. First, as a property owner, you'll have a steady income at the end of every month if tenants ta...

However, managing rental houses is challenging. If you decide to manage them yourself, you'll have to handle every proce...

Affordable Housing Measures Put Landlords in Danger

It's an odd sight to see from time to time; people taking to the streets to shout that their politics are right, and the other person's politics are wrong, and vice versa. This is something that has been as American as app...

Should You Put Down 20% on Your Home Purchase? Look at These Reasons

Many prospective home buyers erroneously believe that they need to put down 20% on a house in order to obtain a mortgage. However, many lenders and available programs make it easier to get into that dream ...