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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

More Public Calls for Free Housing

Police brutality is something that objectively exists in America. Many will chalk this up to systemic racism. Others, who have seen the data of how it breaks down per racial category, will claim it's just a problem with the police an...

Facing an Eviction? Why You Need to Understand Your Rights During This Time

The big news in the housing industry this week was the expiration of the eviction protection offered by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This $2.2 trillion stimulus bi...

Evictions Caused by the COVID-19 Economic Crisis Could Make the Pandemic Worse

At the height of the closures instituted by local and state authorities, more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs. While some of those employers have since reopened and called back their wor...

How Would a Potential Biden Presidency Affect the Housing Industry?

Now that both political parties have wrapped up their conventions, it is time to delve into the specifics of their policy plans. After the pomp and circumstance of the election season is over, Americans...

Cincinnati Green Lights Affordable Housing

The City Council of Cincinnati recently gave the green light for a brand new project in one of the city's poorest areas. This affordable housing project, located in the Lower Price Hill, is actually pretty shocking news for residen...

Demand for Affordable Housing Is High in Las Vegas

The City of Lights may have plenty of bulbs, playing cards and poker chips, but one thing that is lacking in is a supply of housing for sale. The demand of affordable housing in Las Vegas is at an all time high, according to...

The USA Is in Another Housing Bubble

The last time single-family homes were built at the pace they are being built now, the housing bubble was about to burst. The number of single-family homes under construction grew for the third month in a row. These dwellings are driving ...

Denver Offers New COVID-friendly Housing Solutions for the Homeless

On January 9, the city of Denver, CO, announced new plans to help homeless people at increased risk of COVID-19 infections and complications. The goal is to keep the people off the streets and in safe and af...

Zoning Rules Can Restrict the Availability of Affordable Housing

In his first week as President of the United States, Joe Biden took more than 40 executive actions. Among his actions and promises are plans to help with the racial inequalities and affordable housing crisis. H...