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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Looking to Remodel or Refresh Your Home? You May Want to Avoid These Trends

With the coolness and darkness setting in around the country, many people are looking for ways to update their home to create a cozier vibe. This combined with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is leadi...

Arkansas Veterans to Receive Housing Assistance Vouchers This Month

In a report issued on Friday December 11, the Pine Bluff, AR, housing authority will receive and distribute 10 housing choice vouchers provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Developmen...

Denver Offers New COVID-friendly Housing Solutions for the Homeless

On January 9, the city of Denver, CO, announced new plans to help homeless people at increased risk of COVID-19 infections and complications. The goal is to keep the people off the streets and in safe and af...

Housing Market Had Incredible Gains in 2020

In a press release dated February 9, Zillow announced that the United States housing market gained about $2.5 trillion in value in 2020. This is the most value gained in a year since 2005. The housing bubble burst around 2007 to 20...

Joe Biden Arrived Just in Time to Fix America's Housing Crisis

America is currently in the throes of a massive housing crisis, but new president Joe Biden plans on answering the bell. The 46th President of The United States began his term with a to-do list that included...

6 Key Factors to Consider before Buying a House

Purchasing a house is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. For this reason, you need to be keen on every detail that involves that purchase. You don't want to live in regret because you overlook...

Every decision you make as a business owner has a positive or negative impact on the growth and success of your business. Therefore, you should evalua...

A small office will affect your business operations because your employees will not be comfortable working in an overcro...

Biden Fires Financial Chief After SCOTUS Ruling

Since the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) refused to hear a fraud case regarding the US Presidential Election, more and more people have been saying that something fishy is going on. Why is SCOTUS seemingly bending...

Bay Area California and Unobtainable Homes

There has been breaking news in California this week, as home prices have reached an all-time high in the Bay Area, as they're creeping up that high in areas like LA as well. The typical home is selling for around $200,000 more tha...